universe "has_noise" description "Has the target noise?" "false" 0 0 "true" 1 1 end universe "distance" description "The distance from the target." "close" 0 0 "far" 1 1 end universe "tiredness" description "The measure of tiredness." "low" 0 0 "high" 1 1 end universe "speed" description "The speed of the agent." "forward" 1 1 "stop" 0 0 "backward" -1 -1 end universe "approach" description "The speed how the agent approaching the target." "low" 0 0 "high" 1 1 end universe "go_to_rest" description "The speed how the agent go to the rest position." "low" 0 0 "high" -1 -1 end universe "interest" description "The measure how the agent interested about the target." "low" 0 0 "high" 1 1 end rulebase "interest" description "The agent is interested when the target has noise." rule "high" when "has_noise" is "true" end rule "high" when "interest" is "high" end rule "low" when "distance" is "close" end dominates rule "low" end end end rulebase "approach" description "Approach when there is a closer interesting target." rule "high" when "distance" is "far" end dominates rule "low" end end end rulebase "go_to_rest" description "Go to rest position when the target is tired." rule "high" when "tiredness" is "high" end dominates rule "low" end end end rulebase "speed" description "The speed fusioned from approach and go_to_rest values." rule use "approach" when "interest" is "high" end rule use "go_to_rest" when "tiredness" is "high" end dominates rule "stop" end end end
Calculate state while change the sliders' values.